Sunday, January 11, 2009

Checking It Off

I am happy to report that everything on the list has been checked off for the first week of January. The hair is cut and colored. NCKG got off to a great start with the new board in place and a wonderful program. A doctor that specializes in repetitive action injuries addressed the needs of injuries sustained while knitting. We learned a lot of useful exercises. I want to see him for some wrist and finger pain.
I left the details to God (and Tori) on the Bible Study and the kick off went well. We have 3 full classes with room for more. The study is exciting. It is written by Beth Moore and it is called, " Esther-It's Tough Being a Woman" All are welcome. Wednesday mornings at the Village Presbyterian Church. Wednesday evening was my happy return to KnitWits. It was a teaching night. We ripped out (Frogging-rip-it,rip-it) Robin's throw. We planned the decreases for Lynn's bolero fronts, demonstrated the moebius cast on to the ladies, and welcomed a new knitter guest Leslie. She learned to knit and proved to be an easy and productive student.
Court went well on Thursday. After pleading guilty with an explanation, my ticket was reduced form $946 to $206. Traffic school will insure no rise or report to AAA. I am pleased and was warned that the state is enforcing traffic violations with renewed vigor in an effort to raise revenue for the CA state budget. Beware. Drive the speed limit and pay attention.
Friday started with Breakfast club, proceeded to Literary Guild for a beautiful luncheon with author and Pulitzer Prize winner Richard Russo. The venue was the palatial Grand Del Mar Resort. Oh my. This was my birthday gift from Tori. Thank you so much. I ended the day by seeing the movie " The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons"with Karen. I am glad I saw this film. I am glad I saw it on the big screen. I think the impact would be less than riveting on the small screen. In all a satisfying week.
By the way. I was able to organize and put away all of the Christmas decorations by Monday evening. I love it when the real estate we call home, becomes bigger and uncluttered. It feels new again and inspires me to think about fresh paint and projects. Bring it on January...

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