What a concept. A husband that installed a single room air conditioner next to the TV. A husband that brings a big glass of ice water to try to bring down your core temperature and your coarse temperament. The Pacific Ocean in your backyard that has temperate water and offers immediate relief. 3 great kids (not at home this evening) that don't have to witness my literal meltdown.
Does fat weigh more in a liquid state? I feel all swollen and fleshy and sticky. If you have ever baked bread and you are at the phase where the dough is rising, that is my perpetual state of being. Tomorrow morning we are greeters at our church. Imagine shaking hands with 300 hot, surly people and hands the consistency of the Pillsbury dough boy.
Back to counting my blessings. Wonderful friends. Watching the sunset in Del Mar, where the surf meets the turf. Celebrating that the sun went down and it may actually cool down by 10 degrees or more. Swimming at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis club in the calm ocean bay accompanied by leopard sharks and stingrays all around you. Thrilling. Leopard sharks are not like great whites or tiger sharks, but hey, there were sharks 5-6 feet long brushing against my legs in the ocean. Not a run of the mill experience. Our friend is a phenomenal under sea diver and movie photographer. If you have seen IMax under sea movies, he was probable there. We had dinner with him tonight and his screen saver is a photo of himself alongside a great white shark 16 feet in length. He looks like a tiny toy or an appetizer. He hands down wins "the most fascinating job in the world" contest.
Speaking of jobs- I am on the schedule to teach at Starry Night Hollow. I need the heat to end so I can felt the sample tote designed with the stores fabric, trim and buttons. I'm loving it. This week ahead is crazy. Our guild is hosting the famous Sally Melville, noted knitter and author of best selling books; The Knit Stitch, The Purl Stitch, The Color Book and more. I cannot wait to meet her and take her classes. We will dine Tuesday evening, she will address the Guild during the day, teach classes Wednesday and Thursday and hopefully cope with the heat. We always like to honor our guest speakers by wearing one of their designs when they visit us. Not this time. My wardrobe consists of tank tops and skirts.The flimsier, the better. No handknits in sight...
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