Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sick in The Sick House

There has been a lot of coughing going on in this house. Husband has been walking around with a chronic cough since Christmas. Allergy or asthma related perhaps.

The teenager started over two weeks ago with a serious, keep you up all night cough. The Dr prescribed codeine cough syrup and fluids. One week later, after no improvement we were back at his Dr for a Z-pack as a preventative for whooping cough which had been reported at his school. He is somewhat better.

College girl arrived for her last spring break, exposed herself to her brother, and flew home, straight to her Dr and her own antibiotics RX.

As a Mom, I never get sick. I have that mommy immunity that comes with caring for really sick people and the germ ridden detritus they leave behind. However, the random gob smack has occurred and I find myself sick as I can remember.

My throbbing head, swollen glands and sore throat feel monumental. I have been caught. My Dr was so sweet. He said he was actually thinking of me recently as one of his few patients that only come in annually for a check up or when very ill. He had not seen me for a year and wondered what was up. Now he knows. Not only about the strep throat diagnosis, but my weight creeping up, life at the Wenskay Casa and my sore wrist and hands. I left with a brace RX, my own Z-pack, a lecture on weight loss, and the potential abuse of red wine??!!

We are usually stoic sick people. This is the very first Z-pack for Evan and me. I believe that we over use antibiotics in this nation and I want my system to respond well to them when I need them. I also have a pretty healthy family. So I am thankful for the medical care we have access to and the fact that we do not need it often. If I can get some sleep and swallow with ease, I will be down right happy. So if you are looking for me, just follow the tissue trail to the messy bed...

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