Monday, June 2, 2008

The Tortoise and the Pup

The warm weather a few weeks ago, woke our tortoises from their long winter nap. Hibernation ends with a feast of fresh vegetables, lots of water to drink, a bath, and an olive oil massage to the shell. You have to love a pet that sleeps for 3-5 months each year.

My husband is a member of the California Desert Tortoise Society. He has a true turtle love. We have 5 turtles. Three water turtles that have a year round pond within the turtle enclosure. The 2 desert tortoises have a heated house and free run of the enclosure. They come out to play in a portable enclosure whenever we are in the backyard to keep an eye on them.

It was time to introduce the pack (?) to our puppy, Steezy. The tortoise society usually won't approve a home with dogs as suitable habitat for turtles. Dogs love to flip the turtles, which can cause death. Our former dog Roxie was so mellow and gentle. Nothing ruffled her fur. She was a rare and delightful dog. Her hard shelled friends were a mere curiosity that barely raised an eyebrow. Steezy has some catching up to do.

She could not figure out what the heck was going on with the moving shells?! What is a turtle exactly? She was jealous of the corn on the cob. She was jealous of the attention. We will have fun during the getting acquainted period. The pup has always loved to flip her water and food dish, and they never made a move. Imagine her confusion and our entertainment as she tried to make sense of those 2 tortoises. I'm still laughing...

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