Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hairy Snowfall

Today it will not rain. Hurrah! I want to clean the filthy carpet in my car with the amazing carpet cleaning machine. I borrowed it from my friend, Kathleen. I really wanted this machine for Christmas, but it cost more than the camera I was craving and the camera won. Kathleen is kind to let me borrow her machine and I will try to limit the loan requests to less than 3x a year.

Maybe we should time share the thing. I'm game. In Michigan, four families chipped in to by a really large and efficient snow blower. It was bigger and better than any machine we could have afforded individually. We agreed to use it mutually and the last person left in the neighborhood would own it. Often, once the person started the snow removal at their own house it was so much fun that we would keep going and cover 4-6 houses. That was sidewalks and driveways. Over a five year period of a wonderful working arrangement we were the 3rd family to relocate and Bob ended up owning the machine. Such a lovely street "Villa."

When we moved it was to a large home with a lot of land and we needed a snowplow service. I shoveled the walkways with a wonderful wooden snow shovel that was smooth and quiet. I loved to shovel snow. When we moved to California, I deeded that wooden snow shovel to my BIL, Dennis. He was one of the few people I knew that enjoyed the satisfaction of shoveling a concise crisp path through the frozen pristine fluff. Memories.

Today, I tackle the less than pristine fluff of fallen dog hair that carpets the floor of my car. It does not give me near as much pleasure. I love my silly dog. She loves me. It is her hair fall that I do not love. It will never end. Wearing black is becoming a problem. My other dog did not shed. If I knew how to spin yarn, I could knit a sweater with the fur I brush off of her! I have an amazing tool called a Furminator and it is awesome. Hit the link and check it out. Just last week I filled a shoebox with her combings. Poor me. Off to vacuum and scrub...

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