Like every Wednesday evening of most weeks of the year, last night was spent laughing with my knit buds. We usually do a random potluck of wine and appetizers. Sometimes we end up with a full buffet and dinner is served. Last night we ended up with 8 bottles of wine and my pathetic offering of string cheese and rice crackers. It was all I had! Thank God, Gloria showed up with some meatballs and a baguette to save us all from DUI's.
I try to arrive shortly after 5, to set up and prepare. I left the house early to search a few discount stores for a yoga mat to fit into the bag I finished and delivered to Heather last night. Seems that there was a run on yoga mats this week (bathing suit season!) and there was not one to be had for a reasonable cost. Fortunately, Heather had ordered one from
Amazon. Unfortunately, it was not there last night to fill out the bag for the ladies that "need to see it to believe it." The speculation on what the heck the thing was bordered on obscenity. Let's just say that a lace pattern, yoga mat bag, reminds one of an elephants trunk snood or condom? I tried to explain how you roll the long cylindrical bag down to insert the rolled up yoga mat... again, the condom reference.
Our expert knitting elf, Ruth was with us last night. Our talk turned to stash (from trash) and she again told me of her plan to leave all of her yarn to me when she dies. We talk about everything. I would be honored to inherit her stash. We went on to discuss stash management and the need to never ever enter a yarn shop again. Oh, that I could keep such a commitment.
I have no photo of the finished bag. Link to
Heather's blog and perhaps she will post her new accessory. My right middle finger is throbbing from knitter's hand.
We have hit a block in our KAL throw that is all garter stitch and so boring I can't make myself pick it up. So as a diversion, I plan to work on 2 small UFO's and be caught up with my goal of 12 completed UFO's for the year. One each month and this is the 4th month. So, here you see pictured a purple sweater for Dom and an orange vest with pants, for brand new baby Lily, born on Sunday evening. If the year were only one day, it would be time to start lunch. Here I am lingering over breakfast, when all I like in the mornings is coffee.
It is dog park day. Sunny and beautiful. One of the days that make people
California dream. The time flies, even if it is not well spent. Work calls and I refuse to answer. Look at the photos taken today and tell me I can't spend the day outside...